Relationship Problems after Divorce, Domestic Violence, Death of Parent

Relationship Problems after Divorce, Domestic Violence, Death of Parent




Having issues in day-to-day life of a relationship can create a base for worst married life. Daily a battle starts who is “right” and who is “wrong” and ends with the settlement. This battle’s alternative is win-win situation recommended by several relationship experts. In this situation, you come up with a permanent solution and feel an “Aha!” moment. First, you have to be neutralized from the effect of arguing to solve the relationship problem. The unwanted arguments produce anxiety so please leave it first. The relationship problem never ends.They keep going after you relation ends.

While a child face the death of parents, the emotional attack can catch him very tightly. The fact is, impact of this kind of issue relative to the age of child and the parenting that s/he had experienced till parents were alive. Sometimes the death of the parents can badly affect the child and consequences can occur in the later years as psychological imbalance. In such cases, the marriage of the victim becomes very hard or sometimes the deaths of parents become a cause of serious relationship problem. We learn so many things from parents. After the death of them, rarely the victim gets the knowledge about the world.

Mother is another aspect of god. Someone said- while god was unable to come on earth, they made mother and sent her on the earth. We could not imagine about life without mother. She always treats us like a prince or princess. For instance, someone’s mother is hospitalized and he is continuously praying for her wellness. Suddenly, get news of her death. No other pain is greater than thedeath of the mother. Parents are scared of doing marriage their daughter or son in which the mother is not present. Obviously, it is not fault of them, even though they face the situation. Aftermarriage, a girl has to leave her place and have to go to another home and it is good to have the shelter of mother -in-law at another home. In addition, a mother tries to make understand the daughter-in-law how to manage the relations after marriage. A mother always manages the relationship problems in between the couples. Therefore, mother is said to be most important in the world.

While the divorce takes place in a new relationship, the pain and sorrow can carry into the future life. Truly, a new relationship in which the ex husband or ex wife in the picture must be handled very carefully. Your ex could be an issue in your new relationship.

Tips to handle the new relationship issues after divorce

  • Provide an emotional support to your partner, if she or he has a baggage of feelings related to divorce.
  • Forget your past and suggest your partner to forget that and move on in the life.
  • Try to fill relationship with love, peace, and care.

Domestic violence or domestic abuse is highly considered as an issue with women; however, sometimes men become the victim as well. The victim of domestic violence feels guilty for being in the relationship. Violence gives birth to daily quarrel in the home and the relation becomes decayed. To solve this relationship problem afterdomestic violence, it is advisable to use any astrological method.